Our calls will be weekly with time in between for you integrate, embody and practice what you have learned and integrate it into your daily lives! We are very aware that our beautiful Medicine Women have very full and expansive lives so we will not overwhelm you, rather encourage you to weave your wise woman wisdom into your every day through contemplation, practice and awareness.

You will receive monthly small group calls with Maestro Alfredo for deepening mentorship calls to ask any questions and integrate what you have learned. 

We will have a few longer integration breaks in between each Module for you to digest the wisdom shared with you.

Our call times will alternate between 7pm Bali / 6am Cusco and 8am Bali / 7pm Cusco, to give opportunities to everyone in our global family to make a call live. 


No problem! All calls will be recorded and will be uploaded in your personal ‘Luminous Library’ where you will have access to them for life.

We look forward to sharing this precious journey with you.

With all our hearts

Hatu Munay, Wińay Saminchay
Jemmita and Puma xxx

**Please note this is designed to be as similar as we can make it to a traditional in person apprenticeship – on line. This means that sometimes Maestro Puma and I may be guided to share something more relevant with you than what we have programmed for our calls. It’s important we stay flexible so that we can move with the needs of the group and give you the best guidance possible!




Introduction: What does it mean to be a Medicine Woman? 
  • SESSION 1: An introduction and welcome with Maestro Puma and Maestra Jemmita. We will outline our programme and meet our Medicine Sisters that we will be journeying alongside for the next 12 months!


The Andean Cosmovision and the Chakana

The Chakana is a Cosmic and Sacred bridge that connects us to our ancestors and our divine origins of light.

Known to the Ancients as a ‘Library of Light’. It is a store house where all of their Ancient traditions, wisdom and even their soul records were stored. 

To know where we have come from means we are never lost. The Chakana is a Cosmic Map – that contains all the information we need to navigate life, to walk as Medicine Woman and Healers.

  • SESSION 2: The 3 worlds, 3 levels of service, 3 stages of development, The Wilka Suyu's. 


The 4 Essences
  • SESSION 3: The 4 Essences - Yachay, Llankay, Munay, Kawsay. 


Building Our Team Part 1


Whether you are beginning on this path, or diving deeper into it, it is of utmost importance to have a strong and beautiful communion with your specific team. We will deepen our relationship and learn to listen to the Guardians that will be our allies throughout our journey.

  • SESSION 4: Our Apus
  • SESSION 5: Our Ñust'as and meeting the Goddesses of the 7 Rays - Allin Kawsay. Over the next 7 weeks, we will be programming one Goddess into our Mesa. 


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 6: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


Building Our Team Part 3


Whether you are beginning on this path, or diving deeper into it, it is of utmost importance to have a strong and beautiful communion with your specific team. We will deepen our relationship and learn to listen to the Guardians that will be our allies throughout our journey.

  • SESSION 7: Our Animal Allies & K'anchay Kawsay
  • SESSION 8: Our Elements & Qapac Kawsay

CALL 9 - 10 (2 SESSIONS)

Hampiq Ñust'a Mesa - Healer Priestess Mesa Part 1


The Mesa is central to absolutely everything we do as Medicine Women. Whether you have had previous experience with working with a Mesa or not, these sessions will take us deep into understanding and refining our relationship with  the powerful Tupac Kuntur Ancestral Mesa as a foundation for all of our Sacred Healing work.

We will now integrate the work we have done with our team into our personal Altar, our Mesa.

  • SESSION 9: Anti Suyu and the portal of the East & Riqchay Kawsay
  • SESSION 10: Q'oyllur Suyu and the portal of the South & Mishky Kawsay


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 11: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


Hampiq Ñust'a Mesa Healer Priestess Mesa Part 2
  • SESSION 12: Konti Suyu and the portal of the West & Kusi Kawsay


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 13: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


Hampiq Ñust'a Mesa Healer Priestess Mesa Part 3
  • SESSION 14: Chinchay Suyu and the portal of the North & Yupac Kawsay
  • SESSION 15: The centre of centres - working with our Auki


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 19: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


The Sacred Polarities - Yanantin / Masintin & Lloque / Paña
  • SESSION 17: Understanding and working with the Divine Masculine polarity of Paña and Sacred Feminine polarity of Lloque in our Mesa to harmonise the energies in all areas of our life

CALL 18 - 19 (2 SESSIONS)

The Sacred Ley Lines and the Hampi Mesa for Healing
  • SESSION 18: Activating Minka and Ayni Ley lines for our community and Path of Service
  • SESSION 19: Activating the Qolqe (Cheqak ñan)
    and Qori (Reqsiy ñan)
    ley lines and working with the Mesa for healing and Soul retrieval


Agua de Florida with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 20: Making traditional Agua de Florida and discovering the healing power of flower waters



Mama Irene - Andean Elder Healer and Medicine Woman

Mama Irene - joins us to share her story as a Curandera and claiming her feminine power in what was a very patriarchal world. She will also share with us about the healing powers of plants and how to listen to their wisdom. She will tell us about the healing techniques she has worked with her entire life and what it means to be a Medicine Woman. 

  • SESSION 21:  What it means to be a Medicine Woman with Mama Irene

CALL 22 - 23 (2 SESSIONS)

Ayni Ñan - Haywarikuy with Maestros Puma and Jimi

We are in constant Ayni (sacred reciprocity) with Mother Earth and our spirit allies. Since we are dependent on constantly relying on and taking from them, it’s important that we learn how to give back. As we give our offerings of love and gratitude, we activate powerful medicine for ourselves, our family, and the planet.

  • SESSION 22:  Pachamama Haywarikuy – communing with Mother Earth and the divine feminine forces in sacred Ayni for healing
  • SESSION 24: Apu Haywarikuy – communing with our Apus for abundant and prosperous manifestation


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 23: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom

CALL 25 - 26 (2 SESSIONS)

Inner work – Healing the wounded healer with Maestra Jemmita
  • SESSION 25 - 26: We will do a powerful process called Cutting the Ties that Bind. This profound process goes beyond the Conscious mind to deeply re-program and re-pattern the subconscious mind in a language it understands.  


Self care for Avoiding Burn Out with Maestra Jemmita
  • SESSION 27: Overcoming doubts and limitations, dealing with path wobbles- staying anchored to our ‘why’?


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 28: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


Energetic Hygiene - Being the Crystal with Maestra Jemmita
  • SESSION 29: Staying strong but soft - a medicine woman in a predominantly medicine man’s world. Walking the line between confidence and humility

CALL 30 - 32 (3 SESSIONS)

Mosqhoy Ñan - Dream work with Maestra Magali

When we dream, we are accessing the 5th dimension where the spirit and the soul meet. This is the realm of magic and transformation – however we miss out on this miracle when we aren’t consciously connected to these portals. With these Andean ceremonies and rituals, we will bring the magic of the dream world into the physical world.

  • SESSION 30: Mosqhoy Sami – Connecting to the Sami in our dreams and bringing in wisdom from our dream time
  • SESSION 31:  Samay Sami – Programming vitality and healing in our dreams and learning how to properly rest
  • SESSION 32: Ricchay Sami – Waking up and integration & interpretation of our dreams


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 33: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


CALL 34 - 37 (4 SESSIONS)

Poqpo’s and healing
  • SESSION 34: Kawsay - Our LIFE FORCE energy. Kawsay in Quechua translates as 'Living Energy' and for the Andan tradition, the entire Universe and everything in it are made up of living energy.
  • SESSION 35: Ll'ankay - Our true work in the world. It’s our way of offering our gratitude to our Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father. It’s the understanding that we have come here as Sacred Seeds -- and by living impeccably and devoting our life to the Path of Love, when we are planted at the end of life - thousands more like us can come.
  • SESSION 36: Munay - The Energy of Love. Munay is unconditional and is a state of being. To experience reality through our Munay we need to move our consciousness from our head to our heart, so we experience a different way of perceiving and understanding the world.
  • SESSION 37: Yachay - The Energy of Knowledge and Wisdom. Its knowledge that once embodied becomes wisdom. It’s knowing yourself, who you are, why you came, where you have arrived from and where you are headed.


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 38: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom

CALL 39 - 42 (4 SESSIONS)

Hampi Ñan - Hands on Healing

We are all healers for ourselves – with every breath of life, we are healing our family and community. Learning the healing arts of our ancestors brings intergenerational medicine to life and our hands serve as the powerful instruments to transmit this healing energy.

  • SESSION 39: Kamaq Maki – reading energy fields to find blockages and heavy energy
  • SESSION 40: Hampi Maki – using powerful energy from Pachamama and transmitting it through our hands
  • SESSION 41: Feathers with Puma and Jemmita -
    We will explore the power of working with the winged ones and how to cleanse, heal and reprogramme the energy field working with the magic of the Sacred feathers. 
  • SESSION 42: Healing with 7 Ñust’as with Jemmita - We will learn a powerful healing technique to work with the feminine forces of nature - our Ńust’as - and the Ñawis, the 7 energetic Springs or centres.


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 42: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom

CALL 44 - 47 (4 SESSIONS)

Spirit of the plants - Wachumita, Ayahuasca, Mapacho, Cacao
  • SESSION 44: Wilka Sayri - Maestro Mapacho (our Sacred Tobaccao)

  • SESSION 45: Apu Wachuma - the Ancestral plant teacher from the Andes

  • SESSION 46: Madre Ayahuasca- our Divine medicine of the soul from the depths of the Amazon Jungle

  • SESSION 47: Mama Cacao - the potent yet sweet heart opening Medicine from the high Andean jungles


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 48: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom


Mañakuy Ñan - Prayers and Songs

When we pray every day, our entire life becomes a prayer. Prayer is a sacred way to communicate with the divine and consciously move powerful cosmic forces to where they’re needed. In this call, we will be learning ancestral prayers and songs to amplify the blessing of life.

  • SESSION 49: Kausay Rimaq – prayer as a way of life. Conversations with the cosmos


Takiy Ñan - Icaros and Sacred Instruments

Takiy Ñan is an ancient way of life that takes us through the sacred portals of sound. In this call we will learn how to use instruments and the power of our voice to open portals to higher consciousness and realize ourselves as masters of life.

  • SESSION 50: Takiy Rimaq – singing with the cosmos to celebrate the miracle of life.


Integration Call with Maestro Alfredo
  • SESSION 51: Small group integration call with Maestro Alfredo with space for questions and answers, deeper practices, and advanced wisdom

CALL 52 - 54 (3 SESSIONS)

Medicine Song and Ceremonial instruments with Giselle World 


  • SESSION 52-54: During her sessions, Giselle shares about the wisdom and songs of the plants. She also shares about working with deep respect and reverence to this Earth and the original wisdom keepers. Each session you will receive a healing chant to work with on your own personal journey and in ceremony. 


Tu Pananches Kama: Our Completion of this Sacred Cycle
  • SESSION 55: Our final ceremony and Hampiq Ñust’a Karpay initiation with Maestros Jemmita and Puma



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