Sacred Smoke is powerful Medicine that carries within in the Breath of life and the Essence of Spirit. It contains the Power of all of the Elemental forces.
It has been used for millennia by virtually every Spiritual tradition as a way of cleansing energies and connecting to the Divine.
Most of us know about clearing space or smudging with Sacred smoke , but what if I told you there was a whole deeper understanding and even more powerful way to connect with, work with and direct the powerful Spirit of Sacred Smoke beyond what most of us know?
In this FREE Masterclass - the ART OF SACRED SMOKE - I will share this wisdom with you.
- Different uses and ways of working with Sacred Smoke
- The how and why of smudge tools
- Communing with the unique Spirits of Sacred smoke as our powerful allies and guides.
- Transforming vs clearing energies
- Working with ‘Poqpo’s’ or the Energy centres as we do in the Andean Shamanic tradition
- Sacred Smoke as an oracle
And more..
Join me for this FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS and deep dive into the Art and Magic of Sacred Smoke.
Register below for FREE to get instant access!
See you in Ceremony for the Art of Sacred Smoke! ✨
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Jemmita walks a Sacred Shamanic Path as Medicine Woman, Healer and Ceremonialist offering deep transformational work globally.
Initiated by her Maestros in the Andes and adopted into her lineage in 2012, she is deeply honoured to share the profound Medicine and teachings of the Andes Cosmovision, woven in with well over 20 years of wisdom and experience from walking her own Spiritual path of Awakening.
Her path of service through ‘Anchoring the Light’ is to guide and empower others to remember their own true divine nature, power and innate Magic. Weaving Ancient Ritual and Ceremony with Wisdom for the Path to Awakening - offering tools and modalities to heal, empower, liberate and transform.